Angular2 Notes I

  • Angular 2 Basic

The heart of angular 2 is containers.

import from angular/core

import { 
EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';

  • Syntax

  • Annotations
    The @ is an annotation and it comes from TypeScript
  • Component
    Components teach your browser new tags
  • Template
    Views can be defined by the template option
  • Multi-line Strings
    Using ` backticks allows for easy inline templates

    selector: 'main-container',
    template: `
    <main class="main">
    main content will go here
  • Class Syntax
    TypeScript allows you to define classes using the class syntax

  • Events
    One-way data binding means we fire events instead of modifying data directly

    export class NoteCard {
    @Input() note = {};
    @Output() checked = new EventEmitter();

    showCheck: boolean = false;

    toggle() {
    this.showCheck = ! this.showCheck;

    onChecked() {;
  • Brackets for Parameters
    Use [] brackets on an attribute to pass parameters to the directive

  • Star Syntax
    Use the * on an attribute to use a directive on this element
  • Parenthesis for View Actions
    Use () parenthesis to specify action bindings

    selector: 'note-card',
    template: `
    [ngStyle] = "{'background-color': note.color}"
    class="note-card row shadow-1"
    (mouseenter) = "toggle()"
    (mouseleave) = "toggle()"
    <div class="icon" *ngIf="showCheck" (click)="onChecked()">
    <i class="material-icons">check</i>
    <div class="col-xs-12 title">
    {{ note.title }}
    <div class="col-xs-12 value">
    {{ note.value }}
  • Strong Typing
    TypeScript lets us define collections that contain our custom type Product

  • Component Definition Class
    We define new Components with a class
  • Some Syntax Instances

  • Using * to call directives

  • ngIf
    If the expression is evaluated to be a true, the NgIf shows the elements, otherwise it removes the element from DOM.
<div *ngIf="showMe">
export class Angular2NgIf {
showMe:boolean = true;
  • ngFor
    NgFor directive repeats the part of a template for each item in an array.
<note-card *ngFor = "let note of notes; let i = index" />
export class Notes {
notes = [
{title: '', value: ''},
{title: '', value: ''},
  • Using [] to pass parameter to directives

  • ngStyle
<div [ngStyle] = "{'background-color': note.color}" />
  • ngModel

equals to:

(ngModelChange) = "newNote.titel = $event"
  • Using () to specify action bindings

<note-card (checked)="onNoteChecked($event, i)" />
  • Input/Output

import { 
EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';

// in template:
<div class="icon" (click)="onChecked()">

export class NoteCard {
@Input() note = {};
@Output() checked = new EventEmitter();
onChecked() {;

$event can be used as Rx parameter, e.g., the color object is passing in.

<div class="col-xs-3">

with function …

onColorSelected(color: string) {
this.newNote.color = color;

  • Basic Routing

Three main components configure routing

  • Routes describes the application’s routes
  • RouterOutlet is a “placeholder” component that gets expanded to each route’s content
  • RouterLink is used to link to routes


import { Routes } from '@angular/router';
import { Main, Notes, About} from '../containers';

export const routes: Routes = [
// { path: '', redirectTo: 'home', pathMatch: 'full' },
{ path: '', component: Main,
children: [
{ path: '', component: Notes},
{ path: 'about', component: About }


selector: 'main-container',
template: `

_ RouterLink_

import { RouterLink } from '@angular/router'

selector: 'app-bar',
template: `
<header class="app-bar row middle-xs">
<span [routerLink]="['']" class="logo col-xs-10">
<nav class="col-xs-2">
<div class="row middle-xs between-xs">
<span [routerLink]="['', 'about']" class="link">About</span>


  1. angular docs.
  2. ng-book
  3. basic routing in angular 2